Missed monthly repayments
Maybe you're unable work for a while through illness or a change in employment, or a source of income has dried up, or your expenses have increased unavoidably e.g. if you have started to care for someone, or if a relationship has ended, or you're facing a sudden and unexpected spike in expenses.
Missed monthly repayments
You may have missed one or more monthly payments on your loan because you're unable to pay it.
Worried you're going to miss a repayment
Looking ahead you think, or perhaps know, that you're going to be unable to make a monthly payment.
Too much debt
You might have borrowed from other lenders and are worried that you won't be able to pay it all back.
Already in arrears with another lender
If you're up-to-date with your Abound loan but behind on payments with another lender, then this should be taken as a sign of financial difficulty.
Credit card bills are rising
You find that your credit card balances are rising and you're only able to make minimum payments.
Debt management plan
You're discussing a debt management plan with a financial adviser.
Finding it difficult to make ends meet
You might find that it is difficult to keep up your essential expenses.
You may find you're spending more on gambling to the extent that it has become a problem and is losing you money.