
We view complaints as a valuable source of customer feedback and an opportunity to identify how we can improve our service. We treat them seriously and investigate all complaints thoroughly and ensure they are fully addressed. We endeavour to provide you with an excellent customer service. However, we acknowledge that, at times, we may fail to meet your expectations. Should you be dissatisfied with our service, you can raise a complaint here. The quickest way to get in touch is by using our online form.

Alternatively, you can use any of the methods below:
By post:
Abound, Fintern Ltd, 3rd Floor, 86-90 Paul Street, London, EC2A 4NE

What do I do if I'm not satisfied?

We will acknowledge that you have made a complaint promptly after receiving it.

We try to resolve complaints as soon as possible. We aim to resolve most complaints by the third business day following the day on which we receive your complaint. If you are not happy with our response, you can escalate the complaint and the resolution to a senior member of staff via the same channels as above stating the case reference number.

Should we resolve your complaint by the close of the third business day, we will issue you with a full written response acknowledging that you made a complaint and setting out that the complaint has been resolved and what our final response is, and making you aware of your right to refer the complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service should you be dissatisfied with the resolution.

If we are not able to resolve your complaint by the third business day, we will let you know promptly. Thereafter, we will investigate your complaint to reach a fair resolution. Please note that investigating your complaint may require us to contact you to obtain further information about it.

If we need to take longer than three days to resolve your complaint, we will endeavour to issue you with a written final response within eight weeks.

What options do I have?

If you are not satisfied with our final response, you have the right to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service ('FOS'). The FOS is an independent body established to settle disputes between UK-based financial companies and consumers free of charge. You can refer your complaint to the FOS on any of the below contact details:
Complain Online:
Exchange Tower, Harbour Exchange Square, London, E14 9SR
For the Financial Ombudsman to consider the complaint, it must be referred to them within 6 months of receiving our summary resolution communication or our final response. Information regarding the service can be found on the Financial Ombudsman website: